Learn from the author of
Positive Leadership-
new book released Sept. '22 from Springer International, New York!
- Inspiring people and organizations to be at their best!
- Learn to use researchbased positive psychology techniques: to improve employee performance, during processes of change, in coaching sessions, and for managing groups and organizations!
- Identify and utilize your own strengths and potential, and those of your employees and clients!
- Learn to build positive attitudes and optimism!
- Learn to develop enthusiasm and a thriving environment.
- Boost individual and organizational change.
2 day course
- or Certified trainer program
did you know?
did you know:
that scientific research have shown that:
ready for your Leadership to positively change?
With this new knowledge you learn how to improve company results -through engaged and satisfied employees. With results that can affect the bottom-line.
Get knowledge and techniques about what makes humans thrive, perform, get motivated and produce more, that you immediately can take into use.
Learn how high-performing organizations have different patterns of communication than low-performing organizations. Get techniques for positive change.
Learn examples of how successfull businesses like Google, Microsoft and Disney implemented techniques from positive psychology into their work culture, and achieved success from that.
All course material Positive Change International uses are based in science and research and taught by an associate professor with a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership.
Dr. Merethe Drønnen, Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership is also working as an Associate Professor II at the School of Business and Economics, University of Tromsø, Norway. She has worked more than 20 years as a Personnel Manager, Associate Professor, Manager, Leadership Consultant and Pedagogical-Psychological advisor.
She is a speaker, seminar leader, keynote speaker at international conferences and a grateful author of published books at Springer New York and Gyldendal Oslo. Her book Positive Leadership is curriculum in leadership studies at several universities in Norway. She has presented her own and newer research at many international conferences, for instance in Toronto, Canada; Oxford, England; Orlando, USA; Angers, France; Budapest, Hungary and more.
Merethe believes that every person and organization has unique strengths and potential and loves to work with people and organizations to help facilitate positive changes and create win-win situations for individuals/employees, leadership and organizations alike- Triple Thrive! Her work has appeared in numerous magazines, news media, articles and radio interviews.
Are you ready to transform your workplace and create positive results for employees, leader and organization alike?
what is positive psychology?
All knowledge that Positive Change International conveys, is based and anchored in new and relevant science and research, either from own or other prominent researchers research within their respective fields.
Positive Change international retrieves and anchors their knowledge from the newest and most relevant research within positive psychology, cognition and motivational research, leadership, brain research and neuroscience, pedagogy and more.
One of Positive Change International's strengths is the ability to transform scientific research to easily understandable everyday language, combined with the making of and conveying of easy and concrete techniques to implement change. Either within an individual, in coaching, in the team or the organization.
who is this suitable for?
However the course is also suitable for all who work with people and want to learn about the new field of Positive Psychology- and how to implement positive change in own, others and organizations daily life!
The course is suitable for those with an interest and desire to learn some hands-on practical tools to create positive change in your own, others, teams and organizations daily lfe!
about the content in this course:
* Introduction to the science of positive psychology and its use at the workplace and in leadership, presented simple and practical.
* What do research say about engagement, positive emotions, use of strengths and productivity?
* Happiness, optimism and resilience can be learnt!
* Characteristics of high (and low) performing teams and how to transform your team/organization to better performance.
* How to lay the foundation for thriving in organizations.
*The leaders own mindset. Learn what made you think like you do, and how to change what's needed.
* Learn how to identify and utilize your own strengths as well as those of others.
* How to inspire and motivate employees.
*Receive knowledge about the latest exciting brain research and theories of learning and motivation.
*Results of positive leadership on employees, teams and organization.
* Communication and effective teams.
*The importance of Meaning at the workplace and effects.
* Appreciative Inquiry at the organizational level.
* Lots of practical techniques.
Some true facts about Leadership
That is why knowledge about how humans get motivated and perform at their best is so important for leaders.
Leaders have tremendous influence on the workplace culture. Choose wisely.
Research has shown a correlation between happy employees and a 31% higher productivity, 37 % higher sales and 3 times as much creativity. That's results that shows on the bottom line!
"When people respect you as a person, they admire you. When they respect you as a friend, they love you. When they respect you as a leader, they follow you." John C. Maxwell
Research have shown that positive psychology interventions at the workplace have given higher scores on 6 important dimensions in companies; profit, productivity, quality, innovation, customer satisfaction and tenure.
Leaders can only achieve results through his/her employees.
Participate in a 2 day live virtual course:
- Online Norway 11.-12. March 2025.
Participate in a 2 day live online course:
March 18.-19. 2025
09:00 a.m New York EST Time/
15:00 Oslo CET time
You need the 2 days live virtual course or the on-site course to take the Certified trainers course. Choose one of the options of the dates to the left, and add + April 2nd.. 2025 (live virtual)
Last sign up is 14 days before the course
You should take the 2 day course if you are interested in learning how to create a great culture and a thriving workplace through your leadership at your own workplace.
You want to have hands-on techniques to build a connected and committed team.
If it is your profession to work with leaders, teams or organization as a consultant, coach, trainer or change agent.
If you want to develop leaders in your own organization and work with a whole organization approach you should choose the Certified Trainer program.
Likewise if you want to have a certification paper to prove your new knowledge, you should take the Certified Trainer Program.
- You will learn practical and useful tecniques that you can put to use immediately in your daily practice!
- You get a course developed by a highly qualified expert in Positive psychology and leadership.
- You get scientific research turned into readily understandable everyday language!
Course Content:
Course content:
DAG 1:
09:00 Registrering, morgenkaffe og te
09:30 Velkommen!
09:35 Hva er positiv psykologi og positivt lederskap?
10:30 Pause
10:45 Hva sier forskningen?
11:30 Lunsj. 2 retter buffet inkludert i prisen
12:30 Hvordan ledere kan skape arbeidsengasjement som gir resultater på bunnlinjen. Lær å bygge positive holdninger og optimisme. Hvordan legge grunnlaget for thriving i organisasjoner.
13:45 Pause
14:00 forts. Hvordan ledere kan skape arbeidsengasjement som gir resultater på bunnlinjen. Lær å bygge positive holdninger og optimisme. Hvordan legge grunnlaget for thriving i organisasjoner.
15:30 Takk for i dag!
DAG 2:
08:45 Ta deg tid til en morgenkaffe før vi starter
09:00 Velkommen!
09:05 Hvordan finne dine egne styrker som leder. Hvordan finne og bruke dine ansattes styrker.
10:15 Pause
10:30 Styrker, relasjoner, mening og økte prestasjoner
11:30 Lunsj. 2 retter buffet inkludert i prisen
12:30 Lær teknikker du kan bruke på arbeidsplassen
13:45 Sammenhengen mellom organisasjonens interne kommunikasjon og organisjonens resultater.
Appreciative Inquiry.
14:30 Pause
14:45 Oppsummering og spørsmål
15:30 Takk for i dag!
DAY 1:
09:15 Test out that you are connected online, while enjoying your morning coffe or tea
09:30 Welcome!
09:35 What is positive psychology and positive leadership?
10:30 Break
10:45 What do research show us about pp at the workplace?
11:30 Lunch
12:30 How leaders can create work engagment that give results on the bottom line. Learn to build positive attitudes and optimism. How to lay the foundation for thriving in organizations.
13:45 Break
14:00 continued.. How leaders can create work engagment that give results on the bottom line. Learn to build positive attitudes and optimism. How to lay the foundation for thriving in organizations.
15:30 Thanks for today!
DAY 2:
08:45 Test out that you are connected online, while enjoying your morning coffe or tea
09:00 Welcome!
09:05 How to find your own strengths as a leader. How to find and use your employee's strengths.
10:15 Break
10:30 Strengths, relationships, meaning and increased performance
11:30 Lunch.
12:30 Learn techniques you can use at the workplace
13:45 The relationship betwen the organizations internal communication and organizational results
14:30 Break
14:45 Summing up for today and questions
15:30 Thanks for today!
You need the 2 days live virtual course or the on-site course to take the Certified trainers course.
Choose one of the options of the dates above (in English or Norwegian), and add + April 2nd. 2025 (live virtual).
If you want to be a Certified Trainer and receive the Certificate Trainer Positive Psychology Leadership TM, you need to take this 3rd day extra.
In this day you will get extra in-depth training in the areas from the 2 day course with the special focus on giving you the tools to be able to conduct change processes in organizations.
so let's get started!
This course is for you if you are ready to level-up your leadership and learn proven scientific techniques that in research has shown results like:
-improved wellbeing both for leaders and employees alike
- higher work engagement
- higher performance and profit
- increased creativity
- increase in sales
- reduced turnover and work-absence
- All presented in an easy understandable and practical language. Research made simple and easy!
- So you want to take your leadership to the next level?
you're in the right place.
This is a win-win-win situation for leaders, employees and organizations alike!
This program GIVES YOU tools and techniques to make you a better leader
- Presented in an easy understandable and practical WAY.
- Research made simple and easy!
Why wait?
Book your place now!
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let's work together-
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You really want to learn more about this-
Did you know?
People are saying:
People are saying:
I met Dr. Drønnen when we both were keynote speakers at a world summit in positive psychology in Toronto, Canada. She is thorough, knowledgeable and skillful in her presentations and her written work. This book belongs on the bookshelf of everyone who works with leadership in organizations.
I recommend this book to leaders who desires to understand and motivate their employees and who wants to create workplaces with employees that are thriving and functioning optimal. Dr. Drønnen shows how leaders can use positive psychology techniques to achieve exactly this.
I met Dr. Drønnen at the International Conference in Positive Psychology in Canada in 2017, where I heard her presentation about positive psychology and its use for people and organizations and the influence on people's health. I appreciated her presentation very much. It is so important for leaders to know the psychological processes in the employees and how they are motivated and what makes them thrive at the workplace.
This book gives the readers an insightful and very important description of positive psychology at the workplace and shows the readers ways on how to enhance performance at an organizational perspective.
Leaders that implement positive psychology strategies can expect to achieve improvements in their workplaces’ productivity, engagement and importantly: enables the organization to attract the best talents in their field. We really need more knowledge and books like this to ensure our leaders are kept up to date on the latest research and practice in Workplace Wellbeing.
Dr. Drønnen's Ph.D. and experience with leadership and positive psychology is very relevant for the 21st century's workplaces.
Finally the book with practical implementations on how to use positive psychology on challenges at the workplace has arrived. Countless books have been written about leadership, cooperation and motivation, but firstly now there is a book that systematically and objectively uses methods and techniques from the psychological field of positive psychology in leadership. The book is a real showdown with the old-fashioned and authoritarian mindset that is the leadership legacy from older leadership theories. The book is filled with examples that gives inspiration and use for both leaders, employees and union leaders.
"PowerUP, a book bought by chance, and read to pass the time on a train ride, was never put on the bookshelf at home. This is because I always have it on hand. The book bears its title rightly, it gives Power. Here I get simple tools for both everyday challenges and heavier work tasks. It is written simply, but gives the reader great benefit".
"PowerUP is a good and easy-to-read book that has many easy-to-implement tools that are incredibly effective if you really take the time to follow it. I recommend reading the book once first, then test out the tools for a few weeks before reading it again. In this way you will see how much progress you have made".
"The book is absolutely fantastic and a book everyone should read. Thank you very much!"
"I have read this book now. It is absolutely incredibly good. Simply a Must read!"
"I have the book. It can be recommended :-)
"A very good book that I strongly recommend!"
"The message in the book PowerUP book is credible and inspires and motivates you to make positive changes".
"PowerUP! Is an exciting and easy to read book about how to reprogram your own thought pattern in order to achieve whatever you want in life-if you are up for the challenge!"
"The book PowerUP can be embraced everyone and is highly motivating for those who want to work on themselves. It has solid academic content, refers to research results and seemed well thought out, while it is easy to follow the thinking. MD shows that she has great professional insight and presents the material in an inspiring and easy-to-understand way. I have greatly enjoyed and benefited from the book and have used the content in several contexts, both privately and in a work context. It can really be recommended".
some testimonials of
dr. drønnen's presentations and books:
If you want to become a Certified Trainer you receive an optional additional day of online training on top of the 2 day virtual or on-site course.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes you can, they are equivalent in content and time span. The Certified Trainer Training have one extra day on top of those 2.
Yes, meals are included for the 2 days on-site courses. For the online courses that is not a possible option.
You will pay upon registration through our registration link and secure online shopping chart. You choose which option; one-time-payment or 2 or 3 payments you want. If you have multiple participants and need to make alternative arrangments, please contact us directly at
Yes, for the course in Ålesund, there will be a discount for a hotel room, -if you wish to stay at the place where the course is. Contact at for more information.
Registration may be transferred to another city/date/ online/on-site in the future without penalty. Registrations are transferable to another attendee if the scheduled attendee cannot attend.
*This will subscribe you to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time.